Maurice van Bladel, your agent for the Netherlands and Spain
At the age of 15, I was already drawing houses at an architectural firm in my hometown of Waalwijk. A wonderful hobby. At a later stage, I came into contact with the architectural sector again. Then the Spanish projects came my way. Here, in addition to the many international experiences, I could combine the knowledge of architecture with the beautiful houses in Spain.
The Netherlands is my market area for the Costa Blanca and Costa del Sol projects. As a mediator I do the preparatory work in the Netherlands and my Dutch colleague at the Costa Blanca assists you to purchase your beloved property.
We are happy when you visit the Costa Blanca or Costa del Sol to give you an honest and appropriate advice about a second home or investment in this sunny region of Spain.
We work almost exclusively with projects of which a model home already exists. So you can see exactly what your dream house will look like.
Also, all our projects are checked well in advance. We pay attention to a favourable location and situation, quality of construction, materials, choice of accessories and pay attention to legal aspects.
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